When Cindy was 5 months pregnant she was given the results of her triple screen blood test (which is testing for Down Syndrome, Spina Bifida and other Neural Tube Defects.) It was positive for Spina Bifida. Her doctor then sugguested that we get more testing done up at Utah University Hospital. There the doctors preformed an ultra sound which showed that our baby did have spina bifida. Spina Bifida is a defect of the spinal column that results from the failure of the spine to close properly. The bones of the spinal column do not come together and there is no skin over the open spinal cord. The infant has an open portion of the spinal cord protruding through the open bones and skin.There are three kinds of spina bifida, Occulta, Meningocele, and Myelomingocele. Missy ended up having Myelomingoele, meninges and spinal nerves come through the opening. This is the most serious type of open spine or spina bifida.
Our baby Melissa Marie Cowley, was born April 21, 2006 at the University of Utah Hospital. She was born 5 lbs. 10 oz. and 18” long, and just beautiful. Her father was elated to witness her

Missy's recovery was nothing short of a miracle. To the surprise of everyone, her little feet and toes wiggled. Her legs moved with all muscle groups showing signs of movement. She was released to go home in just seven days.
One of the effects of Spina Bifida is Hydrocephalus. There are many other causes of this condition that is the result of the brain not draining and/or absorbing its fluids fast enough. The head begins to swell. We monitored her condition for some time, to make sure it was absolutely necessary to operate again.
It became necessary to place a shunt in her head to correct this problem. A shunt is a bypass valve that is placed in the head and directs extra brain fluid to the stomach area of her body through a tube. While she was in surgery for the shunt, the plastic surgeon re-closed a portion of her back that had opened. Melissa went back into surgery expecting to be out the next day. Just as we were going through final check out procedures, Melissa stopped breathing, and her hart rate fell dangerously low. This continued for a week. While the heart rate became stable, she would hold her breath during certain activities. It was determined that the morphine had caused this condition. So they sent her home with a heart/oxygen monitor, and oxygen. She continued the oxygen for about ten more days when it was determined she would supply enough oxygen on her own.
The future is very bright for Missy. She has come along long way in just a few short years. With the tremendous work and dedication from her Mother, therapists, and doctors, Missy continues to find how hard work and mind over matter she can achieve the impossible. She is very mobile in her wheelchair and loves to help. I can't say that I have ever met a more positive and thoughtful child. She truly believes everybody is here to be her friend. As a family member commented when told of the latest prognoses, “She is so happy, it's hard to remember that her body is broken..”
Jesse, Cindy, and sweet Melissa Cowley
"Every good and perfect gift is from above. . . " James 1:17