The second surgery mentioned to repair the valve (ureters replantation) was only partially successful. The last year with a battery tests, and medications we have found little choice but to proceed with a bladder augmentation.
Bladder augmentation, also known as augmentation cystoplasty, is reconstructive surgery to increase the reservoir capacity of the bladder. The procedure is very common and involves tissue grafts (anatomises) from a section of the small intestine (ileum), stomach, or other substitutes that are attached to the urinary bladder by sewing or stapling. Whether due to chronic obstructive bladder damage, birth defects that resulted in small reservoir capacity, or dysfunction due to nerve innervation of the bladder muscle (sphincter), surgery is chosen only after a thorough medical work-up that involves assessment of the lower urinary tract, functional physiological evaluation, and anatomic assessment. Some laparoscopic methods (surgery with a fiber-optic instrument inserted through the abdomen) of bladder augmentation have been tried, but reports indicate that these are technically arduous and may not have the long-lasting effects of open surgery.
Bladder dysfunction and incontinence may be due to problems with the reservoir capacity of the bladder or with the "gatekeeping" muscle (the sphincter), which, instructed by the brain, allows urine to build up or to be released. Bladder augmentation is used to treat serious and irreversible forms of incontinence and to protect the upper urinary tract (kidney function) from reflexia (urine back up to the kidneys). Many candidates for the surgery are highly compromised individuals with other serious conditions like spinal cord injuries and multiple sclerosis, as well as patients likely to undergo kidney transplantation. Patients who undergo bladder augmentation must be free of bowel and urethral disease and be able to perform self-catheterization (able to place a urinary tube into their urethra).
Standard augmentation involves segments of the bowel used to create a pouch or wider wall for the bladder in order to enhance its reservoir capacity. Often this reconstruction surgery is accompanied by procedures that tighten the neck of the bladder, as well.

We cannot thank our family and friends enough for the support and prayers on behalf of our family. The concerns and sacrifices you all provided us will never be forgotten. We understand there are trying times, and feel very fortunate to have such tremendous support during ours.
We can never thank you enough.
Jesse, Cindy, and sweet Melissa Cowley
"Every good and perfect gift is from above. . . " James 1:17
Thanks for starting this blog. I am excited to keep up on her achievements and happenings! Thanks :-)
ReplyDeleteWhat beautiful pictures!!!!We will be praying for you on this next surgery day!!!!
Julie Jung