Friday, July 30, 2010

Missy is working at Lowe's


One of Missy's favorite things to do is to go to daddy's work. She has so much fun there with all the employee and customer's. She actually thinks she works there. When I tell her we are going to daddy's work, she goes looking for her work cloths to put them on. When we get there she says Hi to daddy and goes straight to the paint department. She helps make paint and when she done with that she goes to customer service to help bag items. She even tells every customer when they leave "Have a Great Day" and they seem to love it, almost everyone chuckles a little. Makes my day....Not only does it warm my heart and make me smile but it makes her feel like she is a part of something and she can help people too.
Missy working with her daddy at Lowe's.
So excited to work.
Working in her favorite department....Paint.


  1. The picture of Missy and Jesse makes me so happy. She's so beautiful and happy! I love Jesse and his relationship with her.

  2. Oh my heck. Sweetest photos EVER!!!
