Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Day after surgery


Missy has been doing pretty good today considering the nightmare she went through yesterday. She's mostly been really sad, uncomfortable and doesn't really know what she wants to make herself feel better. She just knows that she doesn't feel good and that she hurts. Her doctor still doesn't want her to eat or drink anything for the next couple of days or until her bladder wakes back up to make sure everything starts working again before she puts anything through her system. Once the bladder wakes back up they will start her on clear liquids and work their way up to whole foods. Today she needs to get out of bed at least 4 times to take little walks in her wheelchair or wagon. We have one walk down so far. She was pretty much just zoned out most of the time. We will be up at Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake for at least one week if not more and I am sure our sweet little Melissa would love some visitor's. Thanks so much to everyone for all your warm thoughts and prayers. Please continue to pray that she may have a speedy recovery. Hopefully she will start feeling herself soon.


  1. We will be praying for a speedy recovery. Take care of yourselves as well. God Bless. XOXO

  2. Oh, sweet thing! Give her hugs from us, please.
