Saturday, June 5, 2010

Missy is home!


Missy is home! She finally had her favorite meal for lunch today, Mac and Cheese. She was so excited to eat real food and the best thing of all was she was able to keep it all down. Missy did much better then what the doctor's expected. They kept saying that they didn't want to rush things along and wanted to take their time because this was such a huge surgery for such a little girl. (they normally don't preform this surgery on children). We left the hospital at 3:30 today, Missy still has two of the tubes in place. One is to drain the bladder and the other is her stoma (where she will cath herself in the future). These will both stay in place for the next 2 weeks so that the bladder may heal properly. Then they will show us how to cath her through the new stoma. If it works out like they plan then on the 3rd week they will remove the bladder drainage tube. Hopefully by this time everything will have healed and functioning correctly.


  1. Hoooray!! What fantastic news. I'm so glad things are going so well.

    Hugs from all of us!

  2. Oh what great news! I'm so happy that she's recovering so well. I'll keep praying! God Bless! XOXO's to you all! We Love you guys!

  3. We are so proud of you!! It is wonderful to see you smile again and enjoy your favorite food (mine too!!). I am sure that all those prayers were helpful in your recovery. We love you and continue to think and pray for you and Mom and Dad every day. Grandma D

  4. Wonderful news, I'm so glad to hear Missy is doing well. The pictures do my heart good! Thank you for sharing Missy's progress, my thoughts and prayers are with you all. Thanks for the beautiful bath soaps it was so nice of you to be thinking of us teachers at the end of the year when you had more serious things on your mind. Hope things continue to go well. Miss Lori (from preschool)

  5. Hi MIssy
    I am so happy that you are feeling better and are home with your family. I've been visiting my daughter in NYC and just got home. We missed you the last day of school! Thank your for the bath lotion it smells wonderful. Keep doing good! Miss Nancy
